SQL Server Compressed Backup Bugfix Release

Bugfix 1.2-20110729 increases a timeout when estimating the size of a differential backup. Previous releases could fail with a timeout error if the database was large.

About Clay Lenhart

I am a DBA/Technical Architect for Latitude Group and love technology.
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17 Responses to SQL Server Compressed Backup Bugfix Release

  1. Saud says:

    Hi Clay,

    I hope all is well with you. We spoke some time ago when you implemented a bug fix for me (i.e the timeout error). I’m running into an issue and I thought you would be the best person to contact. I’m using your program to backup databases and truncate the log files. However, I’m unable to back up the databases or truncate the log files in SQL 2008. I’m not a programmer so this isn’t my best strength so I would appreciate it if you can guide me in the right way. I do understand the Truncate_Only command is no longer in SQL 2008. I was wondering what would be the best way to make changes to the script so it would backup SQL 2008 databases as well as truncate the transacational log files. Here is the the script as of now:

    function backupAndCompress {
    Param($databasesToBackup=@(), $backupType=”full”)

    foreach ($db in $databasesToBackup) {

    clear-content G:\SQLCompress\Temp\temp.txt
    $rootPath = “G:\Backups\$db”
    $dayOfWeek = $(Get-Date).DayOfWeek
    $instanceName = “”
    $filePartPaths = 1..4 | foreach { “path=$rootPath\$db.$dayOfWeek.$backupType.$_.bak.zip;” }

    $command = “G:\SQLCompress\MSSQLCompressedBackup-1.2-20110729_x64\msbp.exe backup ”
    $dbParam = “`”db(database=$db;backuptype=$backupType;)`””
    $zipParam = “`”zip64(level=1)`””
    $destParam = “`”local(” + [string]::join(”, $filePartPaths) + “)`””

    $totalCommand = “$command $dbParam $zipParam $destParam”
    Write-Host “$totalcommand”
    Write-Host “Creating $backupType backup for $db”
    $msg = “Creating $backupType backup for $db using $totalCommand”
    $msg >> temp.txt


    #run backup and output results to log file
    $dt = $(Get-Date).ToString(“yyyyMMdd”)
    Invoke-Expression $totalCommand >> “G:\SQLCompress\Temp\temp.txt”
    get-content G:\SQLCompress\Temp\temp.txt >> “G:\SQLCompress\Logs\$dt-log.txt”

    #check if the log file output an error
    if ( get-childitem G:\SQLCompress\Temp\temp.txt | select-string -pattern “The backup failed.” -casesensitive ){

    #raise a new exception
    throw get-content G:\SQLCompress\Temp\temp.txt


    #since the backup has now completed successfully, we need to truncate the log file
    $cmd = “sqlcmd -S $instanceName -d $db -Q `”$SqlCmd`””
    Invoke-Expression $cmd >> “G:\SQLCompress\Logs\$dt-log.txt”




    $emailFrom = “monitor@wealthserv.com”
    $emailTo = “saud.ahmed@wealthserv.com”
    $subject = $db + “WS-DB3 Backup Report”
    $body = $_.Exception
    $smtpServer = “”
    # $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    # $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)


    clear-content G:\SQLCompress\Temp\temp.txt

    function backupForDay {
    Param($fullBackupDay, $databasesToBackup=@())
    $backupType = “differential”
    if ($(Get-Date).DayOfWeek -eq $fullBackupDay) {
    $backupType = “full”
    backupAndCompress $databasesToBackup $backupType

    $fridayFull = @(“ws2005″, “ws3005″, “2005Report”, “3005Report”)

    backupForDay “Friday” $fridayFull


    The problem here is 2005Report and 3005Report are SQL 2008 Databases. Ca1001 and Ca1002 get backed up successfully (and log files also get truncated) whereas 5000Report and 6000Report (none of it happens). How do I go about backing these databases as well as truncating their logs? The error I am getting is:

    zip64: level = 1, filename=database.bak
    zip64: level = 1, filename=database.bak
    zip64: level = 1, filename=database.bak
    zip64: level = 1, filename=database.bak
    Exception #1
    VDS::GetConfiguration failed: x80770003

    at MSBackupPipe.VirtualBackupDevice.VirtualDeviceSet.GetConfiguration(Nullable`1 timeout) in c:\documents and settings\clay lenhart\my documents\mssqlcompressed\msbackuppipe.virtualbackupdevice\virtualdeviceset.cpp:line 128
    at MSBackupPipe.Common.BackupPipeSystem.BackupOrRestore(Boolean isBackup, ConfigPair storageConfig, ConfigPair databaseConfig, List`1 pipelineConfig, IUpdateNotification updateNotifier) in C:\Documents and Settings\Clay Lenhart\My Documents\mssqlcompressed\MSBackupPipe.Common\BackupPipeSystem.cs:line 108

    Exception #2
    Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database ‘2005Report’. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
    at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
    at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteAsyncExecuteReader()
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.EndExecuteNonQuery(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
    at MSBackupPipe.Common.SqlThread.EndExecute() in C:\Documents and Settings\Clay Lenhart\My Documents\mssqlcompressed\MSBackupPipe.Common\SqlThread.cs:line 491

    The backup failed.


    If you could look into this and let me know what I can do to backup the databases as well as truncate the log, I would really appreciate it.

  2. Clay Lenhart says:

    The error is “Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database ’2005Report’”. I’d double check the name.

    You talked about truncating the log. I’d really discourage this. Truncating the log suggests that you do not want to have log backups, in which case you should change the recovery mode to “Simple” and not take log backups. If you do want log backups, don’t truncate the log. Taking the log backup will truncate the ldf file (assuming other SQL Server features do not require the log entries, like open transactions, mirroring, replication, etc)

  3. Saud says:

    Hi Clay,

    Thanks for replying.

    I just wanted to let you know that I got it resolved by following your advice i.e. changing it to the simple recovery model.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Years in advance !

  4. AC says:

    Why is the the batch file fails to exit once the job is completed 100%?

  5. Clay Lenhart says:

    There is usually a delay to allow the two internal threads to finish gracefully. If it doesn’t exit within 3 seconds, I’d say there is a problem with the threads finishing normally. I can’t think of what might be causing that though.

  6. paul says:

    I wanted to thank you for the SQL Server Compressed Backup program. We replaced our crusty Redgate backup compression in a Sql Server 2005 environment (old license will not work for Sql Server 2008) . We only needed the command line compression for use our backup service infrastructure. We backup our database , transmit transaction logs and differential updates to our remote standby and report servers.

  7. Nicholas Elshanski says:

    Hi Clay,

    I published a wrapper for the backup of all databases on a pair of their production servers using msbp.exe – http://msbplaunch.codeplex.com/

    wbr, Nicholas

  8. Clay Lenhart says:

    Thanks Nicholas

  9. Armindo Silva says:

    I am getting the error Unknown plataform on Windows 2008 R2 x64 and MSSQL 2005 Enterprise, do you have any pointers on howto solve it?

  10. Bogdan Dumitru says:

    Hi Clay,
    i have a problem when i try to use your application for creating a compressed backup.
    The message is:

    zip64: level = 7, filename=database.bak
    Exception #1
    VDS::Create failed: x80770007
    at VdiNet.VirtualBackupDevice.Native.VirtualDeviceSet.CreateEx(String instanceName, String deviceSetName, VirtualDeviceSetConfig config) in c:\users\clay\documents\vdi.net\vdinet.virtualbackupdevice.native\virtualdeviceset.cpp:line 101
    at VdiNet.VirtualBackupDevice.Exe64Sql64.VirtualDeviceSetExe64Sql64.CreateEx(String instanceName, String deviceSetName, VirtualDeviceSetConfig config) in C:\Users\Clay\Documents\vdi.net\VdiNet.VirtualBackupDevice\Exe64Sql64\VirtualDeviceSetExe64Sql64.c
    s:line 22
    at MSBackupPipe.Common.BackupPipeSystem.BackupOrRestore(Boolean isBackup, ConfigPair storageConfig, ConfigPair databaseConfig, List`1 pipelineConfig, IUpdateNotification updateNotifier) in C:\Users\Clay\Documents\MSSQL Compressed\mssql sourceforge2\MSB
    ackupPipe.Common\BackupPipeSystem.cs:line 109
    The backup failed.
    Below are the commands for msbp.exe:
    msbp.exe help
    msbp.exe backup
    msbp.exe restore
    msbp.exe listplugins
    msbp.exe helpplugin
    msbp.exe version
    For more information, type msbp.exe help

    Can you help me?
    ps: it is not a default instance , it is a named instance .

    Thank you!

  11. SRINI says:

    Hi Clay,

    When we are tring to take the compressed backup we are getting the below error message.

    My environment details
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 – 9.00.3282.00 (Intel X86) Aug 5 2008 01:01:05
    Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT
    5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

    I am using the compatible version of mspb.exe.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are unaable to take compressed backup.

    “Could not create an instance: CLSID_MSSQL_ClientVirtualDeviceSet, x8007007E System.InvalidProgramException at

    MSBackupPipe.VirtualBackupDevice.VirtualDeviceSet..ctor() in c:\documents and settings\clay lenhart\my documents\mssqlcompressed

    \msbackuppipe.virtualbackupdevice\virtualdeviceset.cpp:line 50 at MSBackupPipe.Common.BackupPipeSystem.BackupOrRestore(Boolean isBackup, ConfigPair

    storageConfig, ConfigPair databaseConfig, List`1 pipelineConfig, IUpdateNotification updateNotifier) in C:\Documents and Settings\Clay Lenhart\My Documents

    \mssqlcompre ssed\MSBackupPipe.Common\BackupPipeSystem.cs:line 179 at MSBackupPipe.Common.BackupPipeSystem.Backup(ConfigPair databaseConfig, List`1

    pipelineConfig, ConfigPair storageConfig, IUpdateNotification updateNotifier) in C:\Documents and Settings\Clay Lenhart\My Documents\mssqlcompressed

    \MSBackupPipe.Common\Ba ckupPipeSystem.cs:line 51 at MSBackupPipe.Cmd.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Documents and Settings\Clay Lenhart\My Documents

    \mssqlcompressed\MSBackupPipe.Cmd\Program.cs:line 111 The backup failed. Below are the commands for msbp.exe: msbp.exe help msbp.exe backup msbp.exe

    restore msbp.exe listplugins msbp.exe helpplugin msbp.exe version For more information, type msbp.exe help “

  12. Mark says:

    Hi Clay,
    We’re using your excellent solution to backup a large(for us) 280 GB SQL Server 2005 Database.
    Intermittantly we get the error ‘Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.’
    We’re on version 29/07/2011 – are you aware of this issue and is there anything we can do?
    Many Thanks for your help

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